This weekend was beautiful weather in Geneva. We went out for a couple of walks along the promenade by the lake. The pictures show that we were certainly not the only ones who thought it was a nice time for a walk. For as far as you could see in both directions people were walking. Those not walking, roller blading, biking, etc. were seated along the rock walls or on benches. The road along the lake was not crowded with cars, but the walkways were packed. The age span was from the oldest to the youngest--the elderly being pushed in wheelchairs down to the infants in strollers and buggies. Families walked together with their little guys on scooters and trikes. Everybody walks! Walking is part of life here and it is a part I really enjoy. While I was in the United States, Steve took a Saturday trip to Annecy and up to Chamonix at the base of Mont Blanc. These photos are from his exploring.
I am living in Europe with my husband, Steve, while he works on a consulting job. I love getting to know another country even though I miss all my children and grandchildren in North Carolina, Utah and California. I miss my dog and gardening also, but being with my husband and living in such a beautiful place makes it worthwhile.