Here are some pictures that go with the legend that I included last week. All these pots are made of chocolate and the "vegetable" are of marzipan. While taking the pictures, of course Steve and I had to sample a little chocolate from the various shops to see which was the most delicious.
Some of the Chocolate shops are so decorated that you can't tell it's actually a candy store.

I'm having trouble learning how to work with this site in order to put pictures where I want them and the text where I want it. There are very few leaves left on any trees, and the reality of a long grey winter has set in. Happily I won't be here for several weeks of it. I have also included a picture of a typical bread counter. What you see in that picture will be the cause of many extra pounds on my body. I actually prefer fresh bread to chocolate.
We did have a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of one of the church members. It was on Saturday and they really had a spread. They also really had a crowd. Many of the people there had not been to a Thanksgiving dinner before. This is a great experience for us. Steve and I are recognizing more and more words in French conversation. I think that Steve is surprised that some of the French he learned in high school is still in his brain.
I wish you all well. Next week I might not post a blog as Steve and I will be in Prague for five days. I should have lots of fun pictures for my next one.
Love to all,