I've decided that I need to start a "Who Knew" book of interesting things that I have discovered while getting situated here in Geneva. The one I will share this week is: "Who knew that if one earns more than a certain amount of money in a year they can't open a regular bank account, but are escorted upstairs where they are serviced by their "personal banker?" That was a unique experience. We still have no internet at our home--only a non-secured open wireless that we are able to pick up here. There are so many laws, rules, and a general feeling of rigidity in this country. I'm doing better at shopping. It only takes me twice as long as I used to spend instead of four times as long. I have to read the German, French, and Italian labels to figure out if I am buying what I really want to buy. I am getting a little more adventuresome however. I actually picked up some carpaccio (dried/seasoned beef) to try. The Swiss aren't very innovative in their cuisine, but there are plenty of other restaurants of every ethnicity to try. My first experience with trying to bake something in my oven that registers heat in Celsius rather than Farenheit was not successful. Obviously I need more practice. However, with groceries in general not being that cheap; I think we'll just have to keep trying new restaurants. We are one step closer to beginning our French classes. We should have a teacher assigned and find out which evening we will be studying this week. Someone told me that they heard haircuts were outrageously expensive--$100 E. They live in France rather than Geneva, but I did see an ad in a window for a shampoo and cut for $80 CHF. That's only $68 U.S. rather than $130. The laundry bill for Steve's shirts was about double what we spend in Pinehurst. We are lucky to have a cost of living allowance.
Keep the Blogs and E-Mails coming as I really, really miss my family and friends.
Love, M
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