Although the past week has been interesting, it has also been difficult. We started out in Darmstadt Germany for two days of work for Steve, and trying to keep busy seeing the sights for me. On Thursday night, we flew to Geneva, and early Friday morning took our suitcases to our new apartment. It seems a little overwhelming to me to attempt to set up house when nothing is familiar in the stores and I don't speak French. I will be learning enough to get along here, I am sure. The weather is the big news so far. We have had very strong winds--very cold, strong winds since we arrived. Fortunately, on the fifth floor where our apartment is located, stays pretty warm. My warm coats are not here with me yet. I thought I would have them sent with other things we need a little later, that I would have time before the real cold set in. That has been the first mis-judgement. Scarves and gloves have been purchased, and I have made my first trip to the cleaners with Steve's shirts. I knew that whoever was working at the laundry would not speak any English and I was right. However, both the proprietor and I were able to make ourselves understood. I am surprisingly able to understand a lot of what is being said to me in French, even though I do not speak any. Trying to cook some packaged risotto with no understandable directions proved interesting. I had no measurning cup and didn't know how much liquid 9 dl was. It still was edible and gave me hope, though I don't envision myself doing much in the kitchen here which is the size of my shoe. Hopefully, my next report will contain some photos. As yet, we are without our own internet access. That is another challenge that will soon be overcome. I miss everyone and think of you all constantly--
Love, M