This past Wednesday Steve and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. I remember clearly the day we were married and I don't think I could have looked forward and imagined the kind of life that we would have together. I don't think that I could have imagined actually turning 40 years old, let alone being married for 40 years! Though some days with five children seemed to last forever, forty years have sped by. As I look back I am amazed at what we have learned from our relationship with each other, from our children and their unique personalities, and now from our precious grandchildren. I won't lie and say that I've enjoyed every minute of our life together but all our experiences have worked together for our good, and now I will say that it was definitely worth it.
Chad complained last week that we never put any pictures of ourselves on the blog. At our age we really don't like to look at pictures of ourselves--"Who are those old people?" I don't think we should have to look any older than we feel. We still feel young. So we have given in to Chad's request and included some pictures we took at our Anniversary dinner.
Love to you all wherever you may be---
Thanks for raising us and thanks for the pictures. (I'm shocked you listened). I am sure every moment with me was enjoyable. It must have been hard with those other kids of yours. -Chad
You guys look great!!! I love the pictures. I hope you had a wonderful Anniversary and a great Father's Day. I am sorry I have been so distracted on the phone the past couple times you have called, I have been pretty loopy here recently. I think it will get better from here. We love you!!!
Old? who's old? I think those pictures look young!! What happened to all the facial hair, Steve? We thought you looked a lot like Ken when you had all that on! But you look younger with it off. We're looking forward to your party, Mary. Love, Cecile
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