The hills that we look out on from our front window are called the Jura. We had never gone into the Jura nor seen what lay beyond--that is until last Saturday. The deciduous trees had all lost their leaves, but there are plenty of pines. Also, we left a semi-clouded over Geneva, with hazy skies and drove into bright sunshine and brilliant blue skies. Nice change. Steve took this photo outside of the little village of Morez. We only have to drive 15 minutes in the North-West direction from our home to cross into France. We spent the day in France. We thought we might head to Dijon, where I have never been, but as we traveled in that direction we became ensconced in heavy fog. We changed plans and drove back in an Easterly direction, having picked out the town of Besancon on the map as a town to explore. It turned out to be an excellent choice--the weather stayed clear and the areas we drove through as well as Besancon itself were very interesting. I love little French villages!
As we approached Besacon the view is of the ancient Citadel and wall on the hill and of part of the river which flows all the way around the city. (By the way, the "c" in Besancon is pronounced as an "s" which would show up on a French keyboard and a little comma under the c.)
This shows the mosaic tiled roofs that are common to this area. The old buildings even in the little villages often have this type of roof.
Row houses along the river
Church on the square
Great Carousel. It's quite old.
I've aged a bit since you last saw me.
Love to you all--
Always enjoy your travels. We keep seeing the same old thing--Hiway 80 through Nevada--blah! We now have two new grandchildren. I'll be sending some pictures through email. Love, Cecile
I love this post. What a beautiful city. How fun to discover something new all the time. BTW. I know the woman in the picture is not you because she is wearing support hose, and I am the only one in the family blessed enough to need those.
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