This is NOT what Geneva looks like right now. Since our return to Geneva after spending the Holidays in the United States we have not seen the sun. Each day (despite what the local weather forecast says) the temperatures have not varied more than three degrees and remain between 25 and 28 degrees Fahrenheit for each 24-hour period. The snow that fell on New Year's Eve is still around in clumps and patches here in the city, but a little ways out it covers the fields etc. Each day the forecast tells us it will be mostly sunny, partly cloudy, sunny, etc. but we have seen nothing but gray skies. It's amazing--and I don't mean in a good way.
On a happier note, the holidays were fabulous for us as we were able to see and spend time with children and grandchildren. We very much missed our California and Utah kids and families, but will be able to visit with them in the summer.
As soon as Steve is able to take a minute to edit photos, I will post some of our favorites from Christmas. I hope some of you, at least, are having a bright January.
I think you should just come home and stay with us until this yucky winter blah is over.
Welcome back in Europe, Mary and Steve. Temperatures sound reasonable compared to what we have around our place, which is much colder. But stay optimistic - it will become better, sooner or later.
Love, Gabi
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