We've been in Switzerland since mid October 2007, and this past weekend we finally made our trip up the highest peak in Western Europe. We needed the perfect day weather wise and the motivation of entertaining a guest to bring it all together. It takes two tram rides to reach the the Aguille du Midi, the lookout to Mont Blanc. The tram rides were "white knuckle" time for me as we rose almost 10,000 vertical feet from Chamonix where we started. Even if the cliffs are steep, I would rather have my feet on the ground than hanging from a cable in the air. But I would and will do it again to see such breath-taking natural beauty.

Time to soak it all in together--this is as good as it gets.

Words really can't describe the majesty of this place. I think I could have take in the scenery all day and never gotten my fill.

Got Mountains? One of our sons-in-law said that having mountains was a criteria for a place to live. Would these mountains qualify?

Great photo of hikers on the ridge-line. This photo would definitely make it onto the wall of our Swiss Chalet, but alas, we don't have one.

Rock climbers with Mount Blanc as a backdrop

Henry Dirkmaat on the look-out at the Aguille du Midi Mont Blanc. Having people visit brings us to the best places. There are not many days this spectacular on the Mountain.
Holy smokes those are incredible mountains! We can't wait. I will get the kids in school so I can get all those things done that I need to do to get us ready. Then we will take them out to really confuse them.
48 more days...but who's counting.
Wow! Love,CEcile
Wow! Love, Cecile
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