We woke up on this particular Saturday and it was raining in Geneva, but we had a car rented for the day. My suggestion was "let's head for the Valais, and Sion, if there's any sun, it will be there." It turned out to be true and we had mostly sunny skies until we reached the top of the Grimsel Pass and it was clouded over and began to rain which continued all the way back to Geneva. The river you can see in the above photo is coming off the glacier which is also visible.

As we drove toward the Grimsel Pass over the mountains we came to the village of Gletch. It is interesting to me to imagine what it would be like to live in such a place.

We were dealing with lots of clouds and some sun on this particular day. However, the sun came out and lit the church in this village at the right moment.

I find it amazing that the Swiss like to "perch" their villages on hillsides up in the mountains. It takes quite a while to wind up the steep little single lane roads that will take you to the village. The views, however, once you get there are always worth it.
Just came back from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Didn't get to see Chad and Danielle, but Doug was able to spend some time on the phone with Chad. We were just too tired to do any more travelling! Enjoy your post. Love, Cecile
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